Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Welcome to Welling School 'Opening Minds' Team

Welcome to the Opening Minds Team at Welling School:

Open to ideas
Patience, so we must be Saints
Naughty? I don't think so!
Needy, in different ways
Good days, and bad! Like everyone
Multi sensory
Needs, differentiation
Dee Bunnage, our saviour!
Special, in so many ways
by J Ruck, S Kington, J Simmons and J Bolton

Monday, 22 June 2009

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Welcome to Welling School Maths Team

Welcome to Welling School Maths Department and our first posting on Post-it. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to the whole school staff. So, here's the 'Who's who of the Maths Department':

Mr Tongue
Head of Maths Faculty
Form Tutor of: 7 Maple
Room: E131
Favourite film: Gladiator
I enjoy teaching Investigations as they bring out pupils' thinking skills and allows them to express themselves mathematically.

Clare Read
Second in Department (Maths)
9 Beech
I enjoy teaching very able students because they want to know 'why?'
Favourite film: Lord of the Rings

Gareth Shadick
Maths KS4 subject leader
Room E139
Tutor of 7 Holly
Favourite film - Shawshank Redemption
I particularly enjoy teaching geometry topics becauseof the opportunities it offers for pupils to discover mathematical rules for themselves.

Mrs. Temi Ogunlana

KS3 coordinator (Maths)
Tutor:9 Poplar
I enjoy seating students in groups because:
It makes it easier to manage resources
I help at least 4 students at a time
I can get round the class more easily and in less time.
Finally I am more likely to do group activities and class discussions if the students are already in groups at the start of the lesson.
Best film: Gladiator

Alison Jolliffe
Maths Teacher

Tutor of 8 Cedar
My room is E132
I enjoy teaching young people skills that they will find useful in life, such as how to work out the tip and split a bill at a restaurant, or how to convert between currencies when they are on holiday.
My favourite film is Moulin Rouge!

Miss M Stegnjaic
Maths Teacher

I enjoy teaching KS3 because they love interactive colorful resources, respond well to rewards and sanctions and are very optimistic learners.
Favourite film: 'Pulp Fiction'

Mr David McGregor
Maths teacher

I enjoy teaching 'switched on' year 7 students, because they enjoy learning, absorb information quickly and bring vitality into the classroom.
Favourite film: 'One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest'

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Building a Professional Virtual Learning Community through Post-it

Thank you for attending and participating in today's CPD Twilight training on Building a professional Learning Community through Post-it. All of the resources have been posted below for reference and I would be very grateful if you would kindly click on the CPD poll which can be found on the right hand side of the blog to register your interest in using Post-it'. Thank you. If you are interested in setting-up a bespoke departmental blog for students and or staff, please let me know so that I can schedule some further training in the Autumn Term.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Excellent online Learning and Teaching tools that are GREAT FUN!

I have been searching out some brilliant online education gadgets/tools for you to use in the classroom, and for those of you who are active bloggers, these can be embedded in your departmental sites. 

This is a great 'starter' or 'plenary' for any year group and a super way to test learning, knowledge and to revise topics or vocabulary. Create your own flipcards and even get the students to create them and test each other!

Click here to start: 

Have fun with language and create subject Wordles - beautiful word clouds. This is a great revision aid or a way of consolidating learning on a topic, theme. Great fun!
Click here to play:

Wordle: math-6jf
Wordle: dt

This is an amazing tool to create totally interactive posters using sound, video, imagery, text, graphics and data. Students love making glogs and they are a brilliant way of bringing topics to life! Students can use original photos and videos, or existing images and film clips. This dynamic and creative tool can animate your curriculum and really engage students with subjects. What's more - it's FREE! 
Get started here:

If you find any great online tools that you would like to share with staff, please leave a link in comments or e-mail me with the link for me to embed here: