Saturday 3 December 2011

Christmas Advent Gifts

As we countdown to Christmas, I will post a range of gifts for you here that will hopefully inspire and challenge, provoke and consolidate. It is my intention to also share some fun and unusual resources in the form of links, presentations, videos, pod casts, games and images. Here is a great offering from Lionel Cloarec to use with tutor groups or classes - Spot 100 Famous people!

The following sites are worth having a look at. 'Independent Thinking' has a wealth of interesting articles, resources and practical ideas focussing on areas including thinking, learning, motivation, leadership and creativity.

The following is a link to David Gauntlett's work on creative explorations of use of Lego in education. This really inspired me and I hope his ideas get you thinking about how you might use Lego in your teaching:

Ken Robinson talks about changing education paradigms: