Thursday, 22 October 2009

6th Form Student of the Month - October 2009

Year 12: Harry - In the last month Harry has worked consistently hard both in lesson and at home and has had excellent attendance. His efforts are paying off now and he is on the brink of making some real innovations in his designs.

Year 13:Jordan  - Jordan has worked hard since the beginning of the year. He has worked even harder this month and made some real breakthroughs in his personal idea development. He has constructed the first draft of his essay intelligently and well informed by his detailed research of the Dada movement. He has been seen reguarly around the art department and is always polite and positive.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

A brilliant collaborative experience with Andee Collard - When Music met Art

I wanted to share with you all, a fantasic lesson I had with Andee Collard born out of the last CPD Learning Breakfast on Visual Literacy.  Last Thursday, my Year 8 class listened to 3 very different pieces of music and created art work to represent the mood. The 3 pieces of music were - Metallica - can't remember what the song was as it was angry and aggressive - the artwork was wild with lots of colour and swirly and spiky shapes; the next was Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield as we have been studying Horror Music and how music can create tension/suspense - the art work consisted of weapons made from cardboard, bold and bright blocks of colour that were very different to the first piece and the final piece of music was by an Icelandic composer whose name I can't remember but it was a very melancholy piece of piano and cello music - the artwork was made up of much lighter colours and pieces of clight coloured paper delicately twisted and attached! There was very little teacher direction just an opportunity for the students to express themselves and hopefully make the link of how powerful music can be on the emotions of the listener - hence linking back to our project about creating music for a horror scene - maybe after this session they'll be able to see it in terms of the art as well? We were supported by Andee's Sixth form students and I can say 100% that every student took something new away from that lesson. This collaboration came from Andee's learning breakfast on Visual Literacy. Thanks Andee!

I'll post some photos of student work here shortly.

Jenni Tyler Maher

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Welling School PMR Training Resources 15/10/09

Welcome to the first 'Twilight' CPD Session this year focusing on the Performance Management Review process. I want to begin by asking you to get into small groups of 8-10 and putting the following in what you consider to be a 'priority' order:

What is the Purpose of Performance Management?

1. To provide an opportunity to consider CPD
2. To identify areas for development
3. To set measurable targets
4. To provide constructive critisism
5. To promote equal opportunities
6. To provide support
7. To inform salary assessment
8. To put an emphasis on Teaching and Learning
9. To recognise achievement
10. To inform salary assessment

 Here is a short (15 minute) Teacher's TV programme about PMR to inform:

Negative Brainstorming

Purpose: To collectively decide what is essential in delivering a successful PMR

Task 1: Write down on the post-its provided every idea you have to deliver the WORST Possible PMR

Task 2: In small teams share your WORST possible PMR and group ideas into similar themes or approaches.

Task 3: Now discuss a 'Positive Solution' to these

Task 4: Nominate someone from your group to feed back

Link to TDA Standards:

Sunday, 11 October 2009

'Raise your child's attendance' - a useful presentation to share with parents

This is a useful presentation to use with parents but it also has some good factual slides about attendance that are good to share with students. It might be of use to HOY and tutors.


Thursday, 8 October 2009

This is no ordinary report....this is a hand crafted, beautifully constructed, lucid Welling School Report : Report Writing CPD - 9th October 2009

Exemplar Tutor Reports

Changes to the OFSTED Framework

What are the key changes to the inspection framework that school staff should be most aware of?
The main changes to inspection fall into four central areas:

Frequency: the frequency of inspections will now be linked to how well a school is doing. The better a school does, the less frequently it will be visited. Schools judged 'good or 'outstanding will be inspected again once within five years. Those with a 'satisfactory rating will have their next inspection after three years, although a proportion of these schools will also receive monitoring visits. Schools judged 'inadequate will receive regular no-notice monitoring visits and be re-inspected after less than three years.

Notice: in nearly all cases, schools will get one or two days notice of an inspection.
More time in classrooms: inspectors will spend more time observing lessons around double the amount of time will now be spent in the classroom. The length of observations will vary: some will last for nearly a whole lesson or session, while others may experience much shorter observations, for example when an inspector observes a narrow aspect of activity across a large number of classrooms. The focus here might be on differentiation, looked-after children, girls or a particular minority ethnic group.

Staff questionnaire: another new feature will be the option of completing a staff questionnaire, responses to which will be voluntary and anonymous and will contribute to inspectors judgements about how the school is doing. The headteacher and chair of governors will decide whether such a questionnaire is used. If in your school the head and chair of governors decide not to have one, staff will still be free to talk to inspectors in private to get across any comments and concerns they may have as well as positive feedback.
What might most usefully feature in a schools

For more detailed information about the new framework have a look at the OFSTED site:

Black History Month Resources for Tutor Time Courtesy of Delia

Hi all

I have attached 2 documents for 'Black History Month'. You could show both on your white boards during tutor time to read and discuss!

I hope you have time!

Love Dxxx

Life Without Black People

Contemporary Black Inventors

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Visual Literacy and Creativity

Back in July I ran a session with our NQT's about 'Creative Education' introducing them to Sir Ken Robinson. I stumbled across this super presentation that again urges us to reignite creativity and make time for creativity. I found it inspirational and affirming. I hope you enjoy it too!

CPD Learning Breakfast - Blogging Session Resources 8th October 09

Monday, 5 October 2009

My 6th Form Assembly on Leadership

Here is the PowerPoint presentation from my assembly to sixth formers today + the moving image sequences I used from Youtube. I opened with

Lesson Observation Form

Lesson Observation Form Jan 09

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Coaching and Wellbeing Resources

If you are interested in Coaching and 'Life Coaching' for personal or professional reasons, then here are two really useful sites - a blog and a podcast site dedicated to these disciplines:


A brilliant short film to provoke some debate - 'Mankind is no Island'

This short film was made entirely on someone's mobile phone and it won a prestigious film award. Invite students to THINK about what is being said. The Title is MANKIND IS NO ISLAND

Link to the British Youth Council

Think Different - Apple Mac Advert
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently."

Thursday, 1 October 2009

PTA Community Fun-Day is in the press!

CPD Learning Breakfast Booking Form (1)

CPD Learning Breakfast Booking Form

New CPD Policy and CPD Request Form 2009/10

The new Welling School CPD policy and accompanying CPD Request Form is posted here for you to download and read. Please use this form from now on to request any CPD. Thank you


Welling School CPD Policy

CPD PreCourse Assessment Form

The Teacher Effectiveness Programme

Steve Smith from the LA kindly furnished me with this useful website link. The Teacher Effectiveness Programme (TEEP) was set up in 2002 by the Gatsby Charity Foundation to develop a model of effective teaching and learning drawn from research and best practice. They have created a model for Learning and Teaching that is interesting and if you sign-up to their site you can access some high quality lesson plans and resources. Terry O'Dea from Bexley LA said:
"At the recent Triple Science seminar I attended, I came across TEEP for getting a powerful model of teaching and learning going in a school/authority - as in Kingston-upon-Hull and Birmingham. TEEP seems to incorporate all of the NS aspects we try to deliver but as a coherent, generic model. The power of the model, according to Hull LA colleagues, is that all teachers in a school use the same model regardless of subject area and so a common vocabularly is possible across the departments. Easier for leading and monitoring teaching and learning for the SLT/ML also. It is also cross-phase in application - ie. a universal model.
Hull colleagues characterised the outcomes from applying TEEP emphases as 'more independent and active learning going on in schools across departments'.

Here's a link for you to visit:

Year 12 and 13 Visual Arts 'Students of the Month'

Aimee has done a fantastic summer project for textiles, she shows real enthusiasm and dedication to the subject so far.

Aimee has made a keen and enthusiastic start to AS photography, producing some really good independent work at home. She has also worked hard extending the workshop tasks out of lesson.

Aimee has made an impressive start to her AS Textiles course. She produced an excellent summer project which showed a high level of commitment and a huge amount of work. She presented this very well in the group crit., talking very articulatly about her ideas. She has taken full advantage of all the workshops, developing her work from these and documenting each stage. She used flickr to show her work and uses all the facilities and time available to her full advantage. I can't wait to see what she does in the first project!

Layla has used the summer to consolidate her already strong command of the subject through a rigorous personal investigation. We look forward to seeing her continuing to fulfill her potential.

PTA Fun Day Photographs

I apologise for not getting these posted on the blog sooner but here you go. There is a link too to see the full set: